Thursday, February 12, 2009

Anyone getting their blog on?....Anyone? Anyone?... Bueller?

So, I have heard from some of our gang, mainly Tom. Check out his "Junk Room". Got a nod from Paul on Facebook.Where's Wayne?
Well I had my annual Birthday Hike; 10 of us Hiked Mt Diablo's Mitchell Canyon trail on Saturday, Feb 7. It had been raining for 3-4 days straight before. I had put in a weather requisition for a clear day - good thing, because we got it!
The trail head at the bottom was muddy but we soon climbed out of it as we went up. Jeff and I kept a pretty aggressive pace as did a 76 year old guy named Jack Silva who also comes to my Cardio Kick box class (what a stud) and we made it to deer flats at about 3.6 mile point which was the turn around point in 1:20:00.
On the decent, by a stream, I noticed a fallen branch in the brush off the trail that was covered in lady bugs. On closer inspection we realized there were several thousand of them clustered together for warmth in this sunny patch, forming a carpet like appearance over the grass and leaves. Very cool! I'll post the pictures.
We all had a good lunch at Ed's Mudville Grill in Clayton afterward. Good time had by all. A great case of guilt had by those 8 others who thought it would rain or be too muddy and didn't show! Whhaaaaa!

Friday, January 30, 2009

We Also have faces......

Getting our Smiles On!

Sometimes we can be seen without helmets, walking upright or sitting on something other than a bike saddle. Here is a shot at the dinner before the 2008 Furnace Creek 508 in October, with the crew: Dick Allen, Jim Ortlieb, Me & Jeff.

What We Love to Do:

Here are some things your "Sister, (your Aunt Jo) & Jeff" have been doing...

Death Valley - One of our favorite places on the planet. We ride there in the Spring for the Death Valley Double (100 or 200 mile ride). In the Summer we work as staff for the "Badwater 135 Ultra Marathon" (a 135 mile running race from Badwater to Whitney Portal on Mt Whitney). In the fall we work as staff for the Furnace Creek 508, (a 508 mile bicycle race).
Jeff has completed this race 2 times 2000 and in 2008.

Mt. Shasta - This year we also cycled to the top of Mt. Shasta on a century, as the final of four rides during the five day Shasta Camp.
Check out:

Let's Get Started - "The Count Down"

OK, It's the end of January, we all have 5 months to the reunion.
Things TO DO:
1. Lose those pounds you don't want to bring with you to the reunion (be honest...that was the first thing you thought of when Tom said the word "Reunion").
2. Book your flight, your accommodations and oh yeah, ask for time off from the J.O.B.
3. Post some photos and blogs to catch us all up on what is going on in your world.
4. Make it sound GOOD dude!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Carmichael Reunion

A Family Reunion has been planned for all the Carmichael's scattered across the country, from California, Iowa, Texas, Wyoming and beyond. We thought that this Blog would be a great way for all of us to re-connect. Let's use this blog to catch up in the months to come before we meet in Dubois by uploading photos, writing stories and sharing news.
The Family Reunion is planned for June 10-14, 2009 in Dubois, WY. at Mom & Dad's.
June was picked as the month least likely to have a blizzard - this way Mom & Dad wouldn't have long term house guests that couldn't leave! Hey, they did their part raising us, why should have to put up with us long term?!
So I will start this off: Here in California we are enjoying what our state has to offer; cycling, running, hiking, smoke free restaurants & businesses, even our "bad" whether has it's charm! And of course working our J.O.B.'s to stay here :)
Please blog, if you want to add pictures and it won't let you, just email them to me and I'll get them up for you.